Tuesday, May 18, 2010



  1. I posted this same comment on your other blog.

    I would like to communicate with you about possibly doing some work with me in coding a few different studies that a mentor gifted me with, and that I have modified even further.

    They are volume oriented and are meant to ferret out large supply and demand in the market. When the smart money is making a move.

    I have modified these even further to siphon off the cream from the large players.On some markets, after I have learned how to interprete this work, I have got almost 90%...

    I am willing to pay for your help, or trade the information for your work, if you so desire. I pretty much know the "if:then" part of the programing logic, I just dont want to go through the learning curve of Sierra.

    I happened to find your blog by happen stance while looking for an indicator for sierra chart.

    If it matters, my mentor has been trading for 45 years and has adopted and modified Wyckoff price/volume behavior with point and figure charts. He has added volume to the point and figure and to that added wave behavior, in specific ways, which allow one to see where strong hands are forcing the tide.

    I have also added bid ask differential to the mix. And also dovetailed an indicator from Pascal Willains "Value in Time".

    It is less complex than this seems, it is a very clear indicator. But the information contained within is quite complex and non co-linear so all the aspects tend to act as filters for other aspects of the indicator, making the positive ratio of successful trades very, very comforting.

    I hope this is ok, I don't know how to communicate with you any other way. My mentor uses tradestation, I need to migrate these studies to Sierra.

    If you are at all interested, please contact me. For me, at least, this is a major edge and I have given three solid years of my life to learn this. I will be willing to share, if you like, how this indicator works.

    My mentors name is David Weis. He has a book coming out in October

    Regards, Scott

    My emails - doctorbag at gmail dot com
    - jatw at suddenlink dot com

    1. Did you ever get a response, and can you share? I am moving from TOS to SC and needs some help.
      Ron(old Memphian in the mt's.)
